Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

It's true Fifty Shades of Grey is pretty much all anyone can talk about whether is the controversy of how is all porn or not. I think maybe it's because some are just so sex-starved. E.L. James' sexy writing was a breath of hot, sexually aroused air for readers, or maybe it's just one of those summer reading books  that offer the perfect excuse to bury your nose in a sexy book. There is a lot of hype about this particular book, as well as many complaints. Mainly about the writing.

It's pointless to deny that there's something going on here. E.L James has sold 4 million copies of her Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy in the UK, that doesn't include the 15 million that have been shifted in the US and Canada in the last four months. It's the fastest selling novel of all time since Harry Potter.  It is obvious that it's contents is, rather more adult since it is an erotic romance trilogy.

But what is the big hype to all the haters that keep bashing the books. First of, they obviusly were on the band wagon to read this top selling novel. Well I agree with some of the comments said about this book. Yes, the character of Anastasia Steele is a little childish and almost feels like she is a sixteen year old young women, but that is why is fictional. In my opinion this book describes the scenes very well. There are many books out there that are just as corny and erotic. So what is it about this book that has become so popular? Well I think it finally brings reality to couples to spice up their sex life. Honestly who are we kidding? Sometimes things can get bland and this book might of opened eyes to those that needed some spice. Just saying! We are grown people here and this should not be to any surprise. The only difference is that maybe their sex life happens to be more kinky.

Not everyone is going to love it and some might hate it. That's okay you cannot please everyone. I think it's a must read and I can honestly say since I bought it I cannot put it down. I also can't wait for the movie to be released in 2014. The characters for the movie have been revealed and I'm way excited : )

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